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Lettere (L-10)
Università degli Studi di MILANO

Scheda Unica Annuale - Soddisfazione per il corso di studio concluso e condizione occupazionale dei laureati

I dati includono i laureati di corsi equivalenti dell'ordinamento D.M. n. 509/1999.
I dati sono confrontati con il totale sull'ateneo (stessa tipologia di corso).

Graduates' level of satisfaction

updated at April 2023
University: Università degli Studi di MILANO - first cycle degree (post-Bologna process reform)
Degree class: humanities (L-10)
Degree course: lettere (L-10)
Graduates in 2022 (valori assoluti)
Graduates: 280
Questionnaire: 272
*Collettivo esaminato(a): 202 scheda di dettaglio

(a) Per una migliore confrontabilità della documentazione, si riportano i dati relativi ai soli laureati che si sono iscritti al corso di laurea in anni recenti, cioè a partire dal 2018: 202 di cui 196 intervistati.

Attended classes on a regular basis

course University
over 75% of prescribed classes 77.6% 75.7%
50% to 75% 17.3% 16.9%
25% to 50% 3.1% 4.8%
under 25% 1.5% 2.3%
no answer 0.5% 0.2%
Total 100% 100%

Stated that academic workload was sustainable

course University
yes definitely 40.3% 36.0%
more yes than no 48.5% 48.0%
more no than yes 8.2% 13.1%
no definitely 3.1% 2.8%
no answer - 0.2%
Total 100% 100%

Stated that the overall exam organisation (dates and timetable, information given, registration etc.) was acceptable

course University
always or almost always 20.9% 29.8%
for more than the half of the exams 50.5% 52.8%
for less than the half of the exams 23.0% 14.2%
never or almost never 5.6% 3.0%
no answer - 0.2%
Total 100% 100%

Expressed overall satisfaction with relationships with academic staff

course University
yes definitely 21.4% 21.0%
more yes than no 71.9% 69.4%
more no than yes 6.1% 8.8%
no definitely 0.5% 0.5%
no answer - 0.3%
Total 100% 100%

Expressed overall satisfaction with degree course

course University
yes definitely 40.8% 35.7%
more yes than no 54.1% 54.8%
more no than yes 5.1% 8.3%
no definitely - 0.8%
no answer - 0.4%
Total 100% 100%

Assessment of classrooms

course University
Hanno utilizzato le aule: 99.5% 98.8%

Assessment (per 100 users):
always or almost always adequate 14.4% 25.3%
often adequate 52.8% 55.2%
rarely adequate 31.8% 17.6%
never adequate 1.0% 1.9%
Total 100% 100%

Assessment of IT workstations

course University
Hanno utilizzato le postazioni informatiche: 42.3% 60.1%

Assessment (per 100 users):
in adequate number 50.6% 60.5%
not in adeguate number 49.4% 39.5%
Total 100% 100%

Assessment of the equipment for the other didactic activities (laboratories and other practical activities, ...)

course University
Hanno utilizzato le attrezzature per le altre attività didattiche (laboratori, attività pratiche, ...): 55.1% 73.0%

Assessment (per 100 users):
always or almost always adequate 19.4% 26.6%
often adequate 52.8% 52.9%
rarely adequate 25.0% 18.2%
never adequate 2.8% 2.3%
Total 100% 100%

Assessment of library facilities (availability of loans/reference books, opening times, etc.)

course University
Hanno utilizzato i servizi di biblioteca (prestito/consultazione, orari di apertura, ...): 94.9% 76.7%

Assessment (per 100 users):
definitely positive 32.3% 37.1%
fairly positive 61.8% 56.6%
fairly negative 5.9% 5.2%
definitely negative - 1.1%
Total 100% 100%

Would enrol again at university?

course University
yes, on the same course and at the same university 74.0% 68.0%
yes, at the same university but on a different course 6.6% 12.3%
yes, on the same course but at a different university 11.2% 10.2%
yes, but on a different course and at a different university 7.7% 7.6%
no, I would not enrol again at university 0.5% 1.6%
no answer - 0.3%
Total 100% 100%

Employment condition

Survey year: 2022
updated at April 2023
University: Università degli Studi di MILANO - first cycle degree (post-Bologna process reform)
Degree class: humanities (L-10)
Degree course: lettere (L-10)
(valori assoluti) Graduates Interviewees *Collettivo
Laureati del 2021 a 1 anno: 317 194 127 scheda di dettaglio

(b) In order to obtain a better comparability of the documentation, data refer only to graduates who had not already been working at the time of graduation.

Graduates currently enrolled in a 2nd level degree course(1)

1 year
degree course 88.2%
University 60.8%

Employment rate

1 year
degree course 15.7%
University 37.9%

Percentage of those in employment who use the skills acquired through the degree course to a wide extent(2)

1 year
degree course 65.0%
University 54.4%

Average monthly net earnings (in Euros)(2)

1 year
degree course 778€
University 1,216€

Soddisfazione per il lavoro svolto (medie, scala 1-10)(2)

1 year
degree course 8.2
University 7.8

(1) It also includes those graduates who enrolled on a single-cycle degree course or on the degree courses in Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale.
(2) A partire dall'indagine 2022 l'indicatore è calcolato su tutti coloro che dichiarano di svolgere un'attività, anche di formazione, purché retribuita. Per le indagini precedenti, invece, è calcolato sui soli laureati che dichiarano di svolgere un'attività lavorativa retribuita, purché non si tratti di un'attività di formazione post-laurea. È pertanto necessario prestare molta cautela nel confronto dei risultati ottenuti in anni di rilevazione differenti.

Elenco dei corsi aggregati

lettere (L-10)
classe di laurea: humanities (L-10)
ordinamento D.M. n. 509/1999 - codicione OFF.F 0150106201000001
sedi: MILANO - attivo dal 2008 al 2019
scheda SUA

lettere (5)
classe di laurea: humanities (5)
ordinamento D.M. n. 509/1999 - codicione OFF.F 0150104009800001
sedi: MILANO - attivo dal 2001 al 2007
scheda SUA