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Design (L-4)
Università degli Studi di REGGIO CALABRIA

Scheda Unica Annuale - Soddisfazione per il corso di studio concluso e condizione occupazionale dei laureati

I dati includono i laureati di corsi equivalenti dell'ordinamento D.M. n. 509/1999.
I dati sono confrontati con il totale sull'ateneo (stessa tipologia di corso).

Graduates' level of satisfaction

updated at April 2024
University: Università degli Studi di REGGIO CALABRIA - first cycle degree (post-Bologna process reform)
Degree class: industrial design (L-4)
Degree course: design (L-4)
Graduates in 2023 (valori assoluti)
Graduates: 61
Questionnaire: 58
*Collettivo esaminato(a): 61 scheda di dettaglio

(a) Per una migliore confrontabilità della documentazione, si riportano i dati relativi ai soli laureati che si sono iscritti al corso di laurea in anni recenti, cioè a partire dal 2019: 61 di cui 58 intervistati.

Attended classes on a regular basis

course University
over 75% of prescribed classes 89.7% 76.4%
50% to 75% 10.3% 19.1%
25% to 50% - 3.2%
under 25% - 0.5%
no answer - 0.9%
Total 100% 100%

Stated that academic workload was sustainable

course University
yes definitely 46.6% 58.2%
more yes than no 41.4% 34.1%
more no than yes 8.6% 5.9%
no definitely 3.4% 1.4%
no answer - 0.5%
Total 100% 100%

Stated that the overall exam organisation (dates and timetable, information given, registration etc.) was acceptable

course University
always or almost always 29.3% 42.3%
for more than the half of the exams 46.6% 44.1%
for less than the half of the exams 20.7% 11.4%
never or almost never 3.4% 1.8%
no answer - 0.5%
Total 100% 100%

Expressed overall satisfaction with relationships with academic staff

course University
yes definitely 17.2% 37.7%
more yes than no 72.4% 56.4%
more no than yes 6.9% 4.1%
no definitely 3.4% 1.4%
no answer - 0.5%
Total 100% 100%

Expressed overall satisfaction with degree course

course University
yes definitely 27.6% 49.1%
more yes than no 46.6% 40.0%
more no than yes 22.4% 8.6%
no definitely 3.4% 1.8%
no answer - 0.5%
Total 100% 100%

Assessment of classrooms

course University
Hanno utilizzato le aule: 100.0% 99.1%

Assessment (per 100 users):
always or almost always adequate 13.8% 33.5%
often adequate 60.3% 51.8%
rarely adequate 24.1% 13.3%
never adequate 1.7% 1.4%
Total 100% 100%

Assessment of IT workstations

course University
Hanno utilizzato le postazioni informatiche: 93.1% 83.6%

Assessment (per 100 users):
in adequate number 64.8% 68.5%
not in adeguate number 35.2% 31.5%
Total 100% 100%

Assessment of the equipment for the other didactic activities (laboratories and other practical activities, ...)

course University
Hanno utilizzato le attrezzature per le altre attività didattiche (laboratori, attività pratiche, ...): 94.8% 89.5%

Assessment (per 100 users):
always or almost always adequate 20.0% 36.5%
often adequate 49.1% 44.7%
rarely adequate 27.3% 16.8%
never adequate 3.6% 2.0%
Total 100% 100%

Assessment of library facilities (availability of loans/reference books, opening times, etc.)

course University
Hanno utilizzato i servizi di biblioteca (prestito/consultazione, orari di apertura, ...): 98.3% 84.5%

Assessment (per 100 users):
definitely positive 35.1% 41.9%
fairly positive 57.9% 51.6%
fairly negative 7.0% 4.8%
definitely negative - 1.6%
Total 100% 100%

Would enrol again at university?

course University
yes, on the same course and at the same university 51.7% 79.1%
yes, at the same university but on a different course 3.4% 2.7%
yes, on the same course but at a different university 37.9% 14.1%
yes, but on a different course and at a different university 5.2% 3.2%
no, I would not enrol again at university 1.7% 0.5%
no answer - 0.5%
Total 100% 100%

Employment condition

Survey year: 2023
updated at April 2024
University: Università degli Studi di REGGIO CALABRIA - first cycle degree (post-Bologna process reform)
Degree class: industrial design (L-4)
Degree course: design (L-4)
(valori assoluti) Graduates Interviewees *Collettivo
Laureati del 2022 a 1 anno: 0 0 0

(b) In order to obtain a better comparability of the documentation, data refer only to graduates who had not already been working at the time of graduation.

Non ci sono dati disponibili per il corso selezionato.

Elenco dei corsi aggregati

design (L-4)
classe di laurea: industrial design (L-4)
ordinamento D.M. n. 509/1999 - codicione OFF.F 0800106200400001
sedi: REGGIO CALABRIA - attivo dal 2020
scheda SUA